PyTorch 2.5.0 General Availability

We are excited to announce the release of PyTorch® 2.5. All the binaries published to PyPI, Anaconda, and . Installation instructions for the new release can be found at the familiar getting started page .

The release notes for PyTorch and Domain Libraries can be found on following links:

Please also checkout the release blog post at PyTorch 2.5 Release Blog

If you have any questions please comment below or reach out to us on this thread.


Team PyTorch



Congratulations on the release !

First, I’d like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to this release.

I wanted to bring attention to an issue that’s significantly impacting my use of the new version. The bug preventing the use of compile + amp with scaled_dot_product_attention (Crash When Using torch.compile with Math scaled_dot_product_attention in AMP Mode · Issue #133974 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub).

I understand that every release involves prioritizing various issues, but I’m curious about the timeline for addressing this particular bug. Is it reasonable to expect a fix in version 2.5.1?

Given that this regression was known before the release, I believe it would have been helpful to have this information communicated in the release notes.

@hassonofer I see the issue was created in August. For the solution to get into 2.5.1, there needs to be a pull request first. If you have an idea what to do, proposing a fixing pull request will speed up things.
Separately, I will bring this issue to the attention of the core PyTorch developers.

I have no idea to be honest, the Inductor is beyond me. If it was in an area I’m familiar with, I would gladly pitch in.

Thanks for the response, and for forwarding the issue !

@hassonofer Good news, the issue should be fixed in the upcoming 2.5.1
You can try the release candidate
pip3 install torch==2.5.1 --index-url

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That’s great !

Which versions of Python are supported on Intel MacOS? Every version I have tried denies the existence of torch==2.5.0

@Elusv PyTorch 2.2 is the last release for x86 MacOS, see PyTorch macOS x86 builds deprecation starting January 2024