Python/C++ API rules for device-generic APIs

We want to follow the following rule for any new API being added (and are going to migrate existing API to follow this as well):

  1. Any API that related to device property should be done as a Device-agnostic API (all devices if possible, else accelerator) unless there is a clear reason on why it does not apply to other devices.
  2. Device-agnostic APIs that apply to all devices should be placed under the torch namespace and accept a device_type optional argument (with default value being the current accelerator or cpu).
  3. Device-agnostic APIs for accelerators style device (torch — PyTorch main documentation) should be placed under the torch.acc namespace and not accept a device_type argument (they are always applied on the current accelerator).
  4. Device-specific APIs should be placed under device-specific submodules (torch.cuda, torch.xpu, torch.mps, etc).

Please comment here if there is any concern/feedback about this new rule.

For more details on the discussions that lead to this proposal, see [RFC] A device-agnostic Python runtime API design for stream-based accelerators · Issue #128403 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub , partial list of related issues in both core ([RFC] A device-agnostic Python device memory related API design for stream-based accelerators · Issue #134978 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub, etc) and ao (Enable Intel GPU by dbyoung18 · Pull Request #753 · pytorch/ao · GitHub) as well as early investigative implementation (Refine the logic of device construction when only device index is given by guangyey · Pull Request #129119 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub, Stream/Event API, Update pin memory related APIs to not pass 'device' argument by wizzniu · Pull Request #131858 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub, etc).

The credit for driving this discussion goes to @guangyey and other people involved on the issues listed above.


Thanks for the rules to ensure we are on the same page. It will help us move fast to implement more device-agnostic API PRs :v:

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Hey thanks for the rules! I noticed these PRs are almost landed so is there still some work to do? If so, I’d love to do it!

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