Heads up: Renaming executorch/sdk to executorch/devtools

Hello! I’m merging PR #4823 to the main branch. It’s the big refactoring which renames the “executorch/sdk” directory to “executorch/devtools”. I also changed all the imports, includes and callsites of the sdk (now devtools) in the repo.

The ExecuTorch SDK today is a set of 1st party debugging and profiling tools for ExecuTorch. The name “SDK” has been confusing, especially that it has other more proper use cases in the repo, like VULKAN_SDK, ARM_SDK, etc. Thus, we want to give it a new name and we think “Developer Tools” should capture the idea, since it’s a collection of tools for the ExecuTorch developers. After discussions we’ve decided to rename the “executorch/sdk” directory to “executorch/tools” and refer to it as “Developer Tools” instead of “SDK” in documentations.


The PR #4823 has been merged to main. For what you used to be able to find under “executorch/sdk”, now they’re moved to “executorch/devtools”.

If you’re working based off the main branch, when using the devtools, please include the new paths in CPP/import the new paths in Python:
#include <executorch/devtools/...>
from executorch.devtools.... import ...

I’m actively working on renaming in the documentations and tutorials.