FYI: We moved functorch into the PyTorch repo

As the first step to integrating functorch into PyTorch, we moved the contents of the pytorch/functorch repository into a subfolder of the pytorch/pytorch repository. This may have implications on your workflow if you develop PyTorch.

For PyTorch developers

You’ll see functorch build+test jobs start to show up in your Pull Requests to PyTorch. Like any other jobs in PyTorch CI, you are responsible for ensuring these jobs are green.

If a functorch job fails on your Pull Request…

  • Please feel free to ping someone who works on functorch for assistance.
  • You may need to include changes to functorch in your Pull Request.
  • To reproduce functorch failures locally: installing pytorch from source does not automatically install functorch. You’ll have to cd into the functorch folder, run python develop to install functorch, and pytest test/ to run functorch tests.

For users/libraries that depend on functorch

functorch is still being released as a separate package from pytorch. To use functorch, you’ll need to install pytorch and functorch separately.

If you install functorch from source: to preserve BC, we’ve set up a temporary sync from the functorch inside the pytorch/pytorch repository to the pytorch/functorch repository. All previous install-from-source commands still work — there’s no need to change how you install functorch yet (in the future, we’ll stop the sync, but we’ll provide more guidance when this happens).

Please continue to open issues over at the pytorch/functorch repo (but it’s not a problem if you open them over at pytorch/pytorch).

For functorch developers

The source of truth for functorch is now in pytorch/pytorch. The pytorch/functorch repo is read-only, please submit changes to the functorch folder in pytorch/pytorch.