I’m not 100% sure but due to the full removal caffe2, some of these cmake and includes have moved. You might need to update the build on your end if you’re pointing to some of these explicitly?
Ok… it seems lots have changed. My current code does not work with nightly.
File "/home/artik/Projects/venv/pt_3.12_nightly/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1165, in convert
return t.to(
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch.ocl'
For 2.3.1 it is
RuntimeError: Please register PrivateUse1HooksInterface by `RegisterPrivateUse1HooksInterface` first.
And reading the manual a looot have changes.
Is there any digest or way to know about these updates? Maybe mailing list.
It seems the opencl backend now works only with 1.13 (I think it worked with 2.0 and 2.1)
Yes the “PrivateUse1HooksInterface” will allow you to control a lot more components than you were able to before!
AFAIK GitHub - Ascend/torch_npu is the most extensive end to end example of using this new API.
Ok I added very basic hooks interface and now it looks I can work with 2.4.
I have two problems
For some reasons all devices accessed even if I use only one of them looks like my bug
I badly need documentation about functionality. Prior to this everything was implemented using DeviceGuardImplInterface and now relations with Hooks isn’t really clear. While I can see goodies related to seeding/RNG the rest isn’t that clear