2023 Q4 PyTorch Core Maintainer Meeting - Dec 1st 2023

Our 2023 Q4 PyTorch Maintainer Meeting is scheduled for Dec 1st.

The general purpose of these meetings is to:

  1. Discuss any technical plans and roadmaps for PyTorch
  2. Review any high-level requests related to PyTorch, such as:
  • Creating new modules
  • Adding new maintainers at the core, module, or library level
  • Resolving any disputes among maintainers

PyTorch core maintainers are the primary attendees, with module maintainers and others invited only per meeting, depending on the agenda. The agenda for this meeting will be added to this post as it is developed and meeting minutes will be published to dev-discuss.pytorch.org .

PyTorch Core Maintainers are:

Soumith Chintala
Edward Yang
Gregory Chanan
Dmytro Dzhulgakov
Nikita Shulga

If you have any questions about PyTorch Technical Governance please refer to the information here:

  1. Persons of Interest
  2. Governance Overview


Agenda is TBD right now. Initial draft Agenda should be posted on or before Nov 27th (~1 week prior).

Any community member can propose agenda items by submitting them using the following link: Form

The meeting was delayed a week or so due to a scheduling conflict. It will be wed 12/13.

If there are any topics folks want to nominate for the core maintainers to consider you can still submit them using the form indicated above.