Understanding torch.fx.traceback.preserve_node_meta()

I previously posted this topic on PyTorch Forums but I think this is a topic best suited for the dev forum.

I’m trying to understand the scope of torch.fx.traceback.preserve_node_meta(). Can someone please explain the scope of torch.fx.Node’s meta preservation in the context of the following example?

# A simple torch module
class SimpleAdd(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):

    def forward(self, x, y):
        return x + y

class SimpleTransform(torch.fx.Transformer):
    A simple FX transformer
    def __init__(self, module):
    def run_node(self, n: torch.fx.Node):
       Traverse FX graph and add a custom meta field for each node
        n.meta["node_op"] = n.op
        return super().run_node(n)
model = SimpleAdd()

with torch.fx.traceback.preserve_node_meta():
    fxg = torch.fx.symbolic_trace(model)

    # node meta prior to transform
    for node in fxg.graph.nodes:
        Current node meta
        x {'seq_nr': -1}
        y {'seq_nr': -1} 
        add {'seq_nr': -1}
        output {'seq_nr': -1}
        print(node, node.meta)

    # node traversal to add new meta

    for node in fxg.graph.nodes:
        Updated meta. Previous meta is preserved.
        x {'seq_nr': -1, 'node_op': 'placeholder'}
        y {'seq_nr': -1, 'node_op': 'placeholder'}
        add {'seq_nr': -1, 'node_op': 'call_function'}
        output {'seq_nr': -1, 'node_op': 'output'}
        print(node, node.meta)

    # No real transformation, call super().transform()
    fxgn = SimpleTransform(fxg).transform()

    # node meta after transform
    for node in fxgn.graph.nodes:
        Node meta after calling transform().
        x {}
        y {}
        add {'from_node': [('add', <built-in function add>)], 'seq_nr': -1}
        output {}
        print(node, node.meta)

Question: Is this the correct behavior of preserve_node_meta()? Given that transform() returns a new graph, should it still preserve node meta from the old graph?

The example code was run against Pytorch commit eff01bc .
