Purpose of "preds[0], preds.shape" Line in nn_tutorial Code


I’m spending the end of the year learning PyTorch as a beginner, and I came across a question while studying the tutorial:
Neural net from scratch (without torch.nn).

In the thrid example code from the section:


코드 복사

bs = 64  # batch size

xb = x_train[0:bs]  # a mini-batch from x
preds = model(xb)  # predictions
preds[0], preds.shape
print(preds[0], preds.shape)

I’m wondering about the purpose of the 4th line:
preds[0], preds.shape.

From my perspective, this line seems unnecessary because the output is already handled by the print function on the 5th line. Could you explain why this line was included?

Thank you for your time and help!