Difference between __torch_function__ and __torch_dispatch__

What is the difference between the two design goals?

__torch_function__ solves the problem of “I can overload the meaning of tensor.add() with Python duck typing, but I can’t overload the meaning of torch.add(tensor) because this isn’t a method call.” It lets you define a method which lets you overload the meaning of torch.* API calls. It works even if you don’t subclass Tensor.

__torch_dispatch__ solves the problem of “PyTorch has a big pile of C++ code which implements important subsystems like autograd, and I can’t interpose on it.” It offers a callback into Python after these subsystems have been processed. A torch dispatch Tensor subclass (these must be Tensor subclasses) can, for example, change the behavior of operations called by the autograd engine.


You can also see more detailed (though not 100% finished yet) documentation at Extending PyTorch — PyTorch main documentation

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what you said may wrong. The flollowing code work well:

import torch

class PyTensor(torch.Tensor):
    def __torch_dispatch__(cls, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
        print(f"PyTensor into {func}")

class MyTensor(torch.Tensor):  
    def __torch_function__(cls, func, types, args, kwargs=None):  
        print(f"MyTensor into {func}")

x = torch.randn(8)
y1 = PyTensor(x)
y2 = MyTensor(x)
y1 = torch.add(y1, y1)
y2 = torch.add(y2, y2)

the output is:

PyTensor into aten.add.Tensor
MyTensor into <built-in method add of type object at 0x7f2f100ea7e0>```

Great! I got answer from link you post. Thank you! Copy to here:

In a similar way where torch_function is able to interpose on all of torch’s Python API and Tensor methods, torch_dispatch is able intercepting all calls into the aten native API.