Custom kernels Intel XPU backend in LibTorch C++ API

I am using the C++ API of LibTorch 2.5.1 (to be clear here I am not using any Python code) and have implemented a few self-written CUDA and HIP kernels, e.g.,

   @brief Compute Greville abscissae
template <typename real_t>
__global__ void
greville_kernel(torch::PackedTensorAccessor64<real_t, 1> greville,
                           const torch::PackedTensorAccessor64<real_t, 1> knots,
                           int64_t ncoeffs, short_t degree, bool interior) 
  for (int64_t k = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
       k < ncoeffs - (interior ? 2 : 0); k += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
    for (short_t l = 1; l <= degree; ++l)
      greville[k] += knots[k + (interior ? 1 : 0) + l];
    greville[k] /= real_t(degree);

that I call from within my regular C++ code as follows

int blockSize, minGridSize, gridSize;
cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(&minGridSize, &blockSize, (const void *)greville_kernel<real_t>, 0, 0);
gridSize = (ncoeffs_[j] + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
greville_kernel<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(greville, knots, ncoeffs_[j], degrees_[j], interior);

// HIP
int blockSize, minGridSize, gridSize;
static_cast<void>(hipOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(&minGridSize, &blockSize, (const void *)greville_kernel<real_t>, 0, 0));
gridSize = (ncoeffs_[j] + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
greville_kernel<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(greville, knots, ncoeffs_[j], degrees_[j], interior);

The code is implemented as header-only library (the CUDA/HIP kernels are implemented in a regular hpp file) and the main application is compiled with nvcc and hipcc, respectively.

I managed to compile my code with Intel GPU support enabled by following the installation instructions given here Getting Started on Intel GPU — PyTorch 2.5 documentation and pointing CMake to the libtorch library and header files in the Python site-packages directory. My code works fine except for the custom kernels.

I would appreciate some help in implementing the above (and similar) custom kernels in SYCL and calling them from the C++ code. I am familiar with CUDA/HIP programming but not yet with SYCL

Thanks for the message. Would it be ok to make it public a public post so that more people can help?

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Please do make it public. Any help is appreciated.


Am 09.01.2025 um 19:42 schrieb albanD via PyTorch Developer Mailing List

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Thanks for the message. Would it be ok to make it public a public post so that more people can help?

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template<typename real_t>
struct GrevilleKernel
  GrevilleKernel(torch::PackedTensorAccessor64<real_t, 1> greville,
                 const torch::PackedTensorAccessor64<real_t, 1> knots,
                 int64_t ncoeffs, short_t degree, bool interior)
    : greville(greville), knots(knots), ncoeffs(ncoeffs), degree(degree), interior(interior) {}

  void operator()(sycl::nd_item<1> item) const {
    // This function will be comipled into a gpu device kernel.

    // item.get_group(0) is blockIdx.x
    // item.get_local_range(0) is blockDim.x
    // item.get_local_id(0) is threadIdx.x
    // item.get_group_range(0) is gridDim.x
    int64_t k = item.get_group(0) * item.get_local_range(0) + item.get_local_id(0);
    for (; k < ncoeffs - (interior ? 2 : 0); k += item.get_local_range(0) * item.get_group_range(0)) {
      for (short_t l = 1; l <= degree; ++l)
        greville[k] += knots[k + (interior ? 1 : 0) + l];
      greville[k] /= real_t(degree);

  torch::PackedTensorAccessor64<real_t, 1> greville;
  const torch::PackedTensorAccessor64<real_t, 1> knots;
  int64_t ncoeffs;
  short_t degree;
  bool interior;

constexpr int dim = 1;
constexpr int blockSize = 256;
// All the work items in total to be launched. For SYCL programming, it does not provide the gridSize counter part directly.
// However, we can calculate the grid_size by dividing the global_range by local_range.
auto gridSize = (ncoeffs_[j] + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
sycl::range<dim> global_range(gridSize * blockSize);
// local_range is sort of like blockSize.
sycl::range<dim> local_range(blockSize);

typedef GrevilleKernel<real_t> greville_kernel_t;
// Create sycl kernel functor.
auto greville_kernel = greville_kernel_t(greville, knots, ncoeffs, degree, interior);
// The kernel functor is passed to the sycl_kernel_submit function.
auto cgf = [&](::sycl::handler& cgh) {
      sycl::nd_range<dim>(global_range, local_range),

// at::xpu::getCurrentSYCLQueue() is a function that returns the current SYCL queue.
const sycl::queue& q = at::xpu::getCurrentXPUStream().queue();
// Submit the kernel to the queue.
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@mmoelle1 , so far, SYCL spec has not defined cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize-like feature yet. However, users can leverage other SYCL runtime APIs to implement a similar feature. Back to the detailed kernel implementation, we pre-fined some heuristic numbers. By the way, SYCL is more OO orientation. The line of code may not be the same as CUDA.

Regarding the libtorch, do you mean the libtorch package? For the torch package, we have exposed the runtime-related C++ head files. There should be no feature gap. By the way, we are working on the C++ SYCL extension enabling. xpu: support sycl with torch.utils.cpp_extension APIs by dvrogozh · Pull Request #132945 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub. FYI

Here are some links for your reference and better understanding.

@EikanWang, please apologize my late reply. I had to focus on some other projects but can now get back to this one.

I have implemented your proposed solution (many THANKS for that) into my code and encounter several problems:

  1. The compiler only finds a submit member function in q if I remove the const qualifier but I think that is okay.

  2. Secondly, the compiler triggers the following error

error: cannot assign to return value because function 'operator[]' returns a const value
  140 |       knots[k] = (k < degree ? static_cast<real_t>(0)

I know that torch::PackedTensorAccessor64<real_t, 1> is specific to CUDA/HIP. Shall I also use it for SYCL or better pass the regular data pointer of the torch::Tensor object?

Regarding you libtorch question. I typically download the official C++ LibTorch packages from the PyTorch website or, whenever needed, compile the C++ package from the PyTorch sources. For the Intel GPUs I have installed the Python package and implicitly hoped that it would expose all C++ header files.

I will keep an eye on the C++ SYCL extension but would be fine with a working solution in the way you propose as I only have a few custom kernels that I can implement following your example code (once problem with the torch::PackedTensorAccessor64 is solved).

@albanD, @EikanWang do you have some advice for me concerning the packed accessor error?

Thank you very much!

@mmoelle1, we just landed the XPU C++ extension and are working on enabling libtorch-xpu. Currently, some head files are missing. We will submit PRs to fix the issue. By the way, @mmoelle1 , may I know how to access your code? Could you help submit a PyTorch GitHub issue?

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That is good news. I’d first try to get the current implementation working. I guess that it is only about the accessor type that I need to use. Or do I need to use the raw pointer?

@EikanWang My code is not yet publicly available but I can add you to the private repo so that you can see the code.

What type of GitHub issue should I create. About custom kernels with Intel XPU in general or something more specifically.

@mmoelle1 , To support custom kernels for XPU should be good enough as it is problem-driven. We will fix the particular issues to support your case.

I guess that it is only about the accessor type that I need to use. Or do I need to use the raw pointer?

Since the custom kernels still depend on SYCL compiler to build source code, we support both accessor type and raw pointer. Here is an example to use raw pointer.
torch-xpu-ops/src/ATen/native/xpu/sycl/NonzeroKernel.cpp at main · intel/torch-xpu-ops